Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CMAST::ComplexSolverBaseUses a Gauss-Siedel method to solve the complex system of equations for a system
 CMAST::ContinuationSolverBaseEquation set is: $ \left\{ \begin{array}{c} f(x, p) \\ g(x, p) \end{array} \right\} = \left\{ \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right\} $ the N-R updates are calculated such that

\[ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} df/dx & df/dp \\ dg/dx & dg/dp \end{array}\right] \left\{ \begin{array}{c} dx \\ dp \end{array} \right\} = - \left\{ \begin{array}{c} f(x0, p0) \\ g(x0, p0) \end{array} \right\} \]

This equation is solved using Schur-factorization so that the disciplinary linear solver can be used

 CMAST::StressStrainOutputBase::DataThis class provides a mechanism to store stress/strain values, their derivatives and sensitivity values corresponding to a specific quadrature point on the element
 CMAST::DoFCouplingBaseThis provides a base class to couple degrees-of-freedom within a single system
 CMAST::ElementBaseThis is the base class for elements that implement calculation of finite element quantities over the domain and sides of a geometric element
 CMAST::AssemblyBase::ElemParameterDependenceInherited objects from this class can be provided by the user provide assessment of whether or not an element is influenced by a give parameter
 CMAST::FilterBaseCreates a geometric filter for the level-set design variables
 CMAST::FluidElemBaseThis class provides the necessary functions to evaluate the flux vectors and their Jacobians for both inviscid and viscous flows
 CMAST::FunctionSetBaseMethods to store property values
 CMAST::GeomElemThis class acts as a wrapper around libMesh::Elem for the purpose of providing a uniform interface for cases where:
 CMAST::KinematicCouplingConstraintThis object stores the information about the coupling of nodes
 CMAST::MaterialPatchA patch is defines as the set of elements sharing a node
 CMatrixType< ValType >
 CMatrixType< Complex >
 CMatrixType< Real >
 CMAST::OptimizationInterfaceProvides the basic interface API for classes the provide implement optimization problems
 CMAST::TransientAssembly::PostAssemblyOperationUser-provided object to perform actions after assembly and before returning to the solver
 CMAST::NonlinearImplicitAssembly::PostAssemblyOperationUser-provided object to perform actions after assembly and before returning to the solver
 CMAST::MultiphysicsNonlinearSolverBase::PreResidualUpdateThis class provides the interface that, if provided, will be called to update any data structures before computation of residual/Jacobian at an iterate
 CMAST::PrimitiveSolutionClass defines the conversion and some basic operations on primitive fluid variables used in calculation of flux, Jacobians, etc
 CMAST::SmallPerturbationPrimitiveSolution< ValType >Class defines basic operations and calculation of the small disturbance primitive variables
 CMAST::FlutterSolverBase::SteadySolverAbstract class defines the interface to provide the steady-state solution
 CVectorType< ValType >
 CVectorType< Complex >
 CVectorType< Real >