►NMAST | |
►NIsotropicElementProperty3D | |
CInertiaMatrix | |
CPrestressAMatrix | |
CStiffnessMatrix | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionMatrix | |
►NIsotropicMaterialProperty | |
CInertiaMatrix3D | |
CStiffnessMatrix1D | |
CStiffnessMatrix2D | |
CStiffnessMatrix3D | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionMatrix | |
CTransverseShearStiffnessMatrix | |
►NMultilayer1DSectionProperty | |
CLayerOffset | |
CMatrix | |
►NMultilayer2DSectionProperty | |
CLayerOffset | |
CMatrix | |
►NOrthotropicMaterialProperty | |
CInertiaMatrix3D | |
CStiffnessMatrix1D | |
CStiffnessMatrix2D | |
CStiffnessMatrix3D | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionMatrix | |
CTransverseShearStiffnessMatrix | |
►NOrthotropicProperty3D | |
CInertiaMatrix | |
CPrestressAMatrix | |
CStiffnessMatrix | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionMatrix | |
►NSolid1DSectionProperty | |
CArea | |
CAreaInertiaMatrix | Calculates the 2x2 matrix of area inertia for the section with individual entries as |
CAreaYMoment | Calculates the area moment about the Y-axis due to an offset along the Z-axis |
CAreaZMoment | Calculates the area moment about the Z-axis due to an offset along the Y-axis |
CBendingStiffnessMatrix | |
CExtensionBendingStiffnessMatrix | |
CExtensionStiffnessMatrix | |
CInertiaMatrix | |
CPolarInertia | |
CPrestressAMatrix | |
CPrestressBMatrix | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionAMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionBMatrix | |
CTorsionalConstant | |
CTransverseStiffnessMatrix | |
►NSolid2DSectionProperty | |
CBendingStiffnessMatrix | |
CExtensionBendingStiffnessMatrix | |
CExtensionStiffnessMatrix | |
CInertiaMatrix | |
CPrestressAMatrix | |
CPrestressBMatrix | |
CThermalCapacitanceMatrix | |
CThermalConductanceMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionAMatrix | |
CThermalExpansionBMatrix | |
CTransverseStiffnessMatrix | |
CArclengthContinuationSolver | Constraint equation is defined along the path ![]()
where, |
►CAssemblyBase | |
CElemParameterDependence | Inherited objects from this class can be provided by the user provide assessment of whether or not an element is influenced by a give parameter |
CSolverMonitor | |
CAssemblyElemOperations | |
CBasisMatrix | |
CBasisMatrixCoordinate | Provides the transformation matrix T to transform vector from the orientation provided in this matrix, to one in the global basis |
CBendingOperator | |
CBendingOperator1D | Bending strain operator for 1D element |
CBendingOperator2D | Bending strain operator for 1D element |
CBendingStructuralElem | |
CBernoulliBendingOperator | |
CBoundaryConditionBase | |
CComplexAssemblyBase | |
CComplexAssemblyElemOperations | |
CComplexMeshFieldFunction | This provides a wrapper FieldFunction compatible class that interpolates the solution using libMesh's MeshFunction class |
CComplexNormalRotationMeshFunction | |
CComplexSolverBase | Uses a Gauss-Siedel method to solve the complex system of equations for a system |
CComplianceOutput | Computes the compliance as ![]() |
CConservativeFluidDiscipline | |
CConservativeFluidElementBase | This class provides the necessary functionality for spatial discretization of the conservative fluid equations |
CConservativeFluidSystemInitialization | |
CConservativeFluidTransientAssemblyElemOperations | |
CConstantFieldFunction | |
CContinuationSolverBase | Equation set is: ![]()
This equation is solved using Schur-factorization so that the disciplinary linear solver can be used |
CCoordinateBase | Provides the transformation matrix T to transform vector from the orientation provided in this matrix, to one in the global basis |
CDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CDKTBendingOperator | |
CDoFCouplingBase | This provides a base class to couple degrees-of-freedom within a single system |
CDOTOptimizationInterface | |
CEigenproblemAssembly | Assembles the system of equations for an eigenproblem of type ![]() |
CEigenproblemAssemblyElemOperations | |
CElementBase | This is the base class for elements that implement calculation of finite element quantities over the domain and sides of a geometric element |
CElementPropertyCard1D | |
CElementPropertyCard2D | |
CElementPropertyCardBase | |
CFEBase | |
CFEMOperatorMatrix | |
CFieldFunction | This creates the base class for functions that have a saptial and temporal dependence, and provide sensitivity operations with respect to the functions and parameters |
CFilterBase | Creates a geometric filter for the level-set design variables |
CFlightCondition | |
CFluidElemBase | This class provides the necessary functions to evaluate the flux vectors and their Jacobians for both inviscid and viscous flows |
CFluidStructureAssemblyElemOperations | |
CFlutterRootBase | |
CFlutterRootCrossoverBase | |
CFlutterSolutionBase | |
►CFlutterSolverBase | |
CSteadySolver | Abstract class defines the interface to provide the steady-state solution |
CFrequencyDomainLinearizedComplexAssemblyElemOperations | |
CFrequencyDomainLinearizedConservativeFluidElem | |
CFrequencyDomainPressureFunction | |
CFrequencyFunction | |
CFSIGeneralizedAeroForceAssembly | |
CFunctionBase | |
CFunctionEvaluation | |
CFunctionSetBase | Methods to store property values |
CGasProperty | |
CGCMMAOptimizationInterface | |
CGeneralizedAlphaTransientSolver | This class implements the generalized alpha method for solution of a second-order ODE |
CGeomElem | This class acts as a wrapper around libMesh::Elem for the purpose of providing a uniform interface for cases where: |
CHeatConductionElementBase | This element implements the Galerkin discretization of the heat conduction problem
with the flux provided on the boundary with Neumann boundary conditions |
CHeatConductionNonlinearAssemblyElemOperations | |
CHeatConductionSystemInitialization | |
CHeatConductionTransientAssemblyElemOperations | |
CIndicatorFunctionConstrainDofs | Constrains the dofs based on level set function and indicator function |
CIntegratedForceOutput | |
CIsotropicElementPropertyCard3D | |
CIsotropicMaterialPropertyCard | |
CKinematicCoupling | This constrains the slave nodes to be kinematically constrained to the master node |
CKinematicCouplingConstraint | This object stores the information about the coupling of nodes |
CKSStressStrainOutput | This implements the computation of KS-constraint aggregation functional for the stress constraint |
CLevelSetBoundaryVelocity | |
CLevelSetConstrainDofs | Constrains the dofs based on level set function |
CLevelSetDiscipline | |
CLevelSetEigenproblemAssembly | |
CLevelSetElementBase | |
CLevelSetInterfaceDofHandler | |
CLevelSetIntersectedElem | This class inherits from MAST::GeomElem and provides an interface to initialize FE objects on sub-elements obtained from intersection of level-set function with a reference element |
CLevelSetIntersection | |
CLevelSetNonlinearImplicitAssembly | |
CLevelSetParameter | This defines a parameter that is a level set function and stores a pointer to the node in the level-set mesh whose value is defiend by this parameter |
CLevelSetPerimeter | Computes the perimeter of a level set boundary as a volume integral
, where |
CLevelSetReinitializationTransientAssembly | |
CLevelSetStressAssembly | |
CLevelSetSystemInitialization | |
CLevelSetTransientAssemblyElemOperations | |
CLevelSetVoidSolution | This will compute the solution at the interface under the assumption of zero surface normal flux |
CLevelSetVolume | |
CMaterialPatch | A patch is defines as the set of elements sharing a node |
CMaterialPropertyCardBase | |
CMeshCouplingBase | |
CMeshFieldFunction | This provides a wrapper FieldFunction compatible class that interpolates the solution using libMesh's MeshFunction class |
CMindlinBendingOperator | |
CMultilayer1DSectionElementPropertyCard | |
CMultilayer2DSectionElementPropertyCard | |
►CMultiphysicsNonlinearSolverBase | |
CPreResidualUpdate | This class provides the interface that, if provided, will be called to update any data structures before computation of residual/Jacobian at an iterate |
CNLOptOptimizationInterface | |
►CNonlinearImplicitAssembly | |
CPostAssemblyOperation | User-provided object to perform actions after assembly and before returning to the solver |
CNonlinearImplicitAssemblyElemOperations | |
CNonlinearSystem | This class implements a system for solution of nonlinear systems |
CNormalRotationFunctionBase | This uses the displacement gradient to calculate the rotation in a given surface normal |
CNormalRotationMeshFunction | |
CNPSOLOptimizationInterface | |
COptimizationInterface | Provides the basic interface API for classes the provide implement optimization problems |
COrthotropicElementPropertyCard3D | |
COrthotropicMaterialPropertyCard | |
COutputAssemblyElemOperations | This provides the base class for definitin of element level contribution of output quantity in an analysis |
CParameter | This is a scalar function whose value can be changed and one that can be used as a design variable in sensitivity analysis and optimization across the code |
CPhysicsDisciplineBase | |
CPistonTheoryBoundaryCondition | |
CPistonTheoryPressure | |
CPistonTheoryPressureXDerivative | |
CPistonTheoryPressureXdotDerivative | |
CPKFlutterRoot | |
CPKFlutterRootCrossover | |
CPKFlutterSolution | |
CPKFlutterSolver | |
CPointLoadCondition | This class allows for the specification of load associated with specified nodes in a user-provided set |
CPolarCoordinate | Defines a polar coordinate system with the radius and obtained from the two parameters provided in the constructor |
CPressureFunction | |
CPrimitiveSolution | Class defines the conversion and some basic operations on primitive fluid variables used in calculation of flux, Jacobians, etc |
CPseudoArclengthContinuationSolver | The constraint equation is defined along the path ![]()
where, |
CSecondOrderNewmarkTransientSolver | This class implements the Newmark solver for solution of a second-order ODE |
CSlepcEigenSolver | This class inherits from libMesh::SlepcEigenSolver<Real> and implements a method for retriving the real and imaginary components of the eigenvector, which the libMesh interface does not provide |
CSmallPerturbationPrimitiveSolution | Class defines basic operations and calculation of the small disturbance primitive variables |
CSmoothRampStressStrainOutput | This implements the computation of smooth ramp constraint aggregation functional for the stress constraint |
CSolid1DSectionElementPropertyCard | |
CSolid2DSectionElementPropertyCard | |
CStabilizedFirstOrderNewmarkTransientSensitivitySolver | This solver implements the stabilized sensitivity analysis solver for chaotic systems where the linearized system can be unstable |
CStressAssembly | |
►CStressStrainOutputBase | Data structure provides the mechanism to store stress and strain output from a structural analysis |
CData | This class provides a mechanism to store stress/strain values, their derivatives and sensitivity values corresponding to a specific quadrature point on the element |
CStressTemperatureAdjoint | The stress and thermoelastic analysis are dependent on temperature |
CStructuralAssembly | This class provides some routines that are common to structural assembly routines |
CStructuralBucklingEigenproblemAssembly | |
CStructuralBucklingEigenproblemElemOperations | |
CStructuralElement1D | |
CStructuralElement2D | |
CStructuralElement3D | |
CStructuralElementBase | |
CStructuralFluidInteractionAssembly | |
CStructuralModalEigenproblemAssemblyElemOperations | |
CStructuralModes | |
CStructuralNearNullVectorSpace | This defines the near-null space of a structural finite element model, which is composed of the six rigid-body nodes |
CStructuralNonlinearAssemblyElemOperations | |
CStructuralSystem | This class implements a system for quasi-static analysis of nonlinear structures |
CStructuralSystemInitialization | |
CStructuralTransientAssemblyElemOperations | |
CSubCellFE | This class specializes the MAST::FEBase class for level-set applications where integration is to be performed on a sub-cell inside an element |
CSurfaceIntegratedPressureOutput | The surface integrated pressure calculation in the fluid element will provide a force vector for the integrated load |
CSystemInitialization | |
CTimeDomainFlutterRoot | |
CTimeDomainFlutterRootCrossover | |
CTimeDomainFlutterSolution | |
CTimeDomainFlutterSolver | This implements a solver for a single parameter instability problem, for example a flutter solver where flight speed is the primary parameter |
CTimoshenkoBendingOperator | |
►CTransientAssembly | |
CPostAssemblyOperation | User-provided object to perform actions after assembly and before returning to the solver |
CTransientAssemblyElemOperations | |
CTransientSolverBase | |
CUGFlutterRoot | |
CUGFlutterRootCrossover | |
CUGFlutterSolution | |
CUGFlutterSolver | This implements a solver for a single parameter instability problem, for example a flutter solver where reduced frequency is the primary parameter |
C__mast_multiphysics_petsc_shell_context | |
CMatrixType | |
CMatrixType< Complex > | |
CMatrixType< Real > | |
CVectorType | |
CVectorType< Complex > | |
CVectorType< Real > |